Finding time to pamper... to relax... to reflect... and to dream is essential to our well being. When we try to steal a little time for ourselves, we might feel we should be doing something more productive or that we should be taking care of someone else. Now in my 40's I have finally learned the art of taking time for myself and enjoying it.
Relaxing and pampering means different things to different people, but I would like to share a few thought starters with you.
Imagine walking into your own bathroom (lets call it your spa shall we?)... Imagine walking into your spa where scented oils in beautiful bottles decorate your shelves or counter top, bath products are neatly stored in beautiful containers, candles are flickering with their soft yellow glow, while the soft music from your stereo surrounds you. Your spa is welcoming you to stay. On the floor is a beautiful basket filled with your favorite reading material and your bathrobe is gently draped over the padded stool waiting to wrap and to warm you. Behind you, the sound of the water gently flowing into the tub makes you remember the true purpose of your visit and that is to relax.
While reaching for the bath salts, the steam gently rises from the crystal clear water beckoning you to slip into its warmth and allowing it to wash the stress of the day away. Your mind and thoughts start to drift off to a quieter and more peaceful time and thats ok this is your time!
Creating your own spa
With a little planning and time, you can create your own spa and it is all worth it.
A must for moms and wives.
How about creating a sign for outside your door to let your family know this is your private time. When my childen were to little to read and I needed to work in my office, I made a simple traffic light on paper with with red, yellow, and green removable circles.. When I needed private time I would affix the red circle, when they needed to knock first the yellow circle would go up, and when they could just walk in the green circle would be there. Why not do the same for your spa area. It could be as simple as a piece of paper taped to the door with "moms time out", "please wait for 1 hour before knocking", etc, or you could go all out and show off your creative talent and make a wonderful sign out of your favorite craft items. (If any of you end up making a sign or already have one, I would love to share it here with our other readers)
You may already have those small tea candles in the small metal tins, or you could find a box of these for around a dollar at a craft store. Take them out of the tins and float them in warm scented water in the wash basin. They burn for well over an hour and they are inexpensive, but they create a beautiful glow once the lights are turned down.
Speaking of turning the lights down... putting our bathroom lights on a dimmer switch was one of the best moves we could have made while remodeling. We can turn the lights way down when we want a cozy effect in the room.
Place pillar candles or candlesticks in front of your mirror to bounce and reflect light around the room. If the thought of candles makes you a little nervous, you can place them in glass bowls, clear coffee or tea cups, or enclosed lanterns.
Have a container full of bath salts near the tub to scoop in while you are preparing yourself for your spa.
To create your own large quantity of bath salts you will need...
A box of Kosher large crystal salt from the grocery storeA large bottle of glycerin at the pharmacy and your favorite scent of essential oil
I have made this myself one year for christmas presents and presented them in beautiful little jars with cork tops. I never measured anything out, but this recipe is pretty easy to do by eye. I first mixed the essential oil into the glycerin (if you want to add a little color you can add food coloring) then I slowly mixed the oil mixture into the salt. The glycerin will soften the skin while the scent of the essential oil will help you drift off to another place and time.
Bring in a small table or stool to place a glass of wine or a dish of fruits like sliced peaches and strawberries.
Making sure you have your radio or stereo well away from the water, put on your favorite music to help you relax.
Roll up a bath towel and tie it with a beautiful ribbon to use as a neck roll in the tub.
A toweling bathrobe should be oversized... reaching the floor to trap your body heat.
Mmmmm wouldn't it be nice to have a freshly warmed robe from the dryer handed to you just in time to wrap yourself up.
Investing in a nice big fluffy bath towel for yourself is a must for the feeling of true pampering.
How about packing yourself a picnic lunch and drive to a beautiful park or beach (even if it's on your lunch time for work. What a wonderful break in the day to look forward to.) In the basket pack your lunch, a beverage, a cozy blanket or vintage table cloth to sit on, and your favorite book.
Plan a trip to the local library to see what new books are just waiting to be read
Create a little corner in your yard with a chair and table. Take a little time with a glass of lemonade or tea.
Tie on your walking shoes and go for a refreshing and mind cleansing walk.
Go through your old cooking books and find recipies that you have always wanted to try and write out a shopping list for the ingredients.
Leaf through your decorating magazines and find inspirations for your own home
Write a letter to an old freind to catch up (no e-mail here!) I will add more in the future on the lost art of letter writing.
Rise early in the morning to watch the sun rise with a cup of tea or coffee and reflect on your life and how wonderful it is!
Each morning, look in the mirror ..take several long healthy breaths and tell yourself "I am going to be the best that I can be today, I am a wonderful person, and I can create my own happiness which will reflect on others"
Pick up vacation brochures and plan a trip for yourself and a friend/family. This can be a trip for next month, next year, or ten years from now.
Attend a seminar or workshop on a topic you enjoy
Get out your craft supplies (or your childrens) and have fun. Even taking out crayons and a colorig book can be very relaxing. When was the last time you colored!!!
Relaxing and pampering means different things to different people, but I would like to share a few thought starters with you.
Imagine walking into your own bathroom (lets call it your spa shall we?)... Imagine walking into your spa where scented oils in beautiful bottles decorate your shelves or counter top, bath products are neatly stored in beautiful containers, candles are flickering with their soft yellow glow, while the soft music from your stereo surrounds you. Your spa is welcoming you to stay. On the floor is a beautiful basket filled with your favorite reading material and your bathrobe is gently draped over the padded stool waiting to wrap and to warm you. Behind you, the sound of the water gently flowing into the tub makes you remember the true purpose of your visit and that is to relax.
While reaching for the bath salts, the steam gently rises from the crystal clear water beckoning you to slip into its warmth and allowing it to wash the stress of the day away. Your mind and thoughts start to drift off to a quieter and more peaceful time and thats ok this is your time!
Creating your own spa
With a little planning and time, you can create your own spa and it is all worth it.
A must for moms and wives.
How about creating a sign for outside your door to let your family know this is your private time. When my childen were to little to read and I needed to work in my office, I made a simple traffic light on paper with with red, yellow, and green removable circles.. When I needed private time I would affix the red circle, when they needed to knock first the yellow circle would go up, and when they could just walk in the green circle would be there. Why not do the same for your spa area. It could be as simple as a piece of paper taped to the door with "moms time out", "please wait for 1 hour before knocking", etc, or you could go all out and show off your creative talent and make a wonderful sign out of your favorite craft items. (If any of you end up making a sign or already have one, I would love to share it here with our other readers)
You may already have those small tea candles in the small metal tins, or you could find a box of these for around a dollar at a craft store. Take them out of the tins and float them in warm scented water in the wash basin. They burn for well over an hour and they are inexpensive, but they create a beautiful glow once the lights are turned down.
Speaking of turning the lights down... putting our bathroom lights on a dimmer switch was one of the best moves we could have made while remodeling. We can turn the lights way down when we want a cozy effect in the room.
Place pillar candles or candlesticks in front of your mirror to bounce and reflect light around the room. If the thought of candles makes you a little nervous, you can place them in glass bowls, clear coffee or tea cups, or enclosed lanterns.
Have a container full of bath salts near the tub to scoop in while you are preparing yourself for your spa.
To create your own large quantity of bath salts you will need...
A box of Kosher large crystal salt from the grocery storeA large bottle of glycerin at the pharmacy and your favorite scent of essential oil
I have made this myself one year for christmas presents and presented them in beautiful little jars with cork tops. I never measured anything out, but this recipe is pretty easy to do by eye. I first mixed the essential oil into the glycerin (if you want to add a little color you can add food coloring) then I slowly mixed the oil mixture into the salt. The glycerin will soften the skin while the scent of the essential oil will help you drift off to another place and time.
Bring in a small table or stool to place a glass of wine or a dish of fruits like sliced peaches and strawberries.
Making sure you have your radio or stereo well away from the water, put on your favorite music to help you relax.
Roll up a bath towel and tie it with a beautiful ribbon to use as a neck roll in the tub.
A toweling bathrobe should be oversized... reaching the floor to trap your body heat.
Mmmmm wouldn't it be nice to have a freshly warmed robe from the dryer handed to you just in time to wrap yourself up.
Investing in a nice big fluffy bath towel for yourself is a must for the feeling of true pampering.
How about packing yourself a picnic lunch and drive to a beautiful park or beach (even if it's on your lunch time for work. What a wonderful break in the day to look forward to.) In the basket pack your lunch, a beverage, a cozy blanket or vintage table cloth to sit on, and your favorite book.
Plan a trip to the local library to see what new books are just waiting to be read
Create a little corner in your yard with a chair and table. Take a little time with a glass of lemonade or tea.
Tie on your walking shoes and go for a refreshing and mind cleansing walk.
Go through your old cooking books and find recipies that you have always wanted to try and write out a shopping list for the ingredients.
Leaf through your decorating magazines and find inspirations for your own home
Write a letter to an old freind to catch up (no e-mail here!) I will add more in the future on the lost art of letter writing.
Rise early in the morning to watch the sun rise with a cup of tea or coffee and reflect on your life and how wonderful it is!
Each morning, look in the mirror ..take several long healthy breaths and tell yourself "I am going to be the best that I can be today, I am a wonderful person, and I can create my own happiness which will reflect on others"
Pick up vacation brochures and plan a trip for yourself and a friend/family. This can be a trip for next month, next year, or ten years from now.
Attend a seminar or workshop on a topic you enjoy
Get out your craft supplies (or your childrens) and have fun. Even taking out crayons and a colorig book can be very relaxing. When was the last time you colored!!!
1 comment:
In the environment we have on these days, we are companied all the time with stress, because of our business every day.
I myself also had been in this case. Every time I go home, all I want to do is to sleep, I even, haven't got time to eat. But since I did my readings about Essential Oils it change my life...Now every time I came home after work. I make it a routine to have a hot and relaxing bath with the use of my favorite Lavender Essential Oil everyday..To reward myself for it everydays work.
Anyway, thank you so much for sharing this blog..I learn so much about it.
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